For the past two decades, ASRO has contributed to the domain of space debris observation. Our involvement with the European Space Agency (ESA) in multiple projects has allowed us to apply our expertise in space debris detection and tracking.

ESA’s Optical Space Debris Detection System

Over the years, ASRO has supported the development, operation, and maintenance of the ESA’s optical space debris detection and survey system at the Teide Observatory in Tenerife, Spain.

Space Debris Camera Upgrade

We conducted an upgrade on a cryo-cooled CCD camera used for space debris detection, enhancing its performance and control interface with the ESA’s OGS telescope.

StreakDet Project

Under the StreakDet project, ASRO addressed the challenge of detecting faint space debris, by developing and implementing advanced computer vision algorithms.

Space-Based Observation (SBO) Research Project

ASRO’s contribution to the SBO project involved developing user requirements and designing an observation strategy for a space-based instrument capable of detecting small, uncatalogued space debris.

Improvements of Space Object Observation Strategies (ISOOS)

ASRO participated in the ESA’s ISOOS project, studying the potential of new CMOS/APS detectors in space debris observation.

Contact us to discuss our current range of space debris observation solutions.